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Más de 450 reseñas de Google de cinco estrellas

Asegurar la máxima compensación para las víctimas de lesiones personales

En Subin Associates, tendrá más de 60 abogados y 150 asistentes legales, asistentes legales y otro personal de apoyo enfocado en ganar su caso de lesiones personales. Durante más de 65 años, nuestros abogados de Nueva York han obtenido los mejores resultados para nuestros clientes en todo tipo de casos de lesiones personales graves, desde accidentes de construcción hasta tropezones y caídas y brutalidad policial.

Todos los veredictos y acuerdos

CasoAbogado de subResultado del cliente
Acuerdo para un peatón de Brooklyn que resbaló y cayó sobre hielo y nieve no retirados de la aceraCharles Hurowitz$1,950,000
Acuerdo de $2,000,000 para trabajador de construcción de Brooklyn lesionado en el sitio.Charles Hurowitz$2,000,000
Automovilista de Bronx golpeado por un autobús escolar mientras estaba detenidoCharles Hurowitz$1,850,000
Acuerdo para una clienta del Bronx que resultó herida al tropezar y caer en el estacionamiento de un supermercadoCharles Hurowitz$1,502,500
Acuerdo para un peatón de Brooklyn que resultó herido al tropezar en un bache en un estacionamientoCharles Hurowitz$1,725,000
Acuerdo para un hombre de Brooklyn que resultó herido cuando tropezó y cayó en un defecto de la acera adyacente a un sitio de construcciónCharles Hurowitz$1,250,000
Acuerdo para un conductor de Uber cuyo vehículo fue atropellado en Brooklyn por un camión de servicios sanitarios de la ciudad de Nueva York que cruzó la doble línea amarillaMichael Mingino$1,850,000
Mujer de Brooklyn cae después de que su pie se enreda en un cable sueltoCharles Hurowitz$1,800,000
Acuerdo para un conductor de Queens herido en un accidente de 6 vehículos causado por un automovilista que pasó una luz rojaMichael Mingino$3,835,000
Acuerdo de $2,750,000 para trabajador de construcción de Manhattan lesionado en el sitio.Charles Hurowitz$2,750,000
Acuerdo para una automovilista del Bronx que resultó herida cuando otro vehículo se le adelantó y chocó contra su vehículo. El caso se resolvió durante el juicio; Una vez que presentamos nuestro caso al jurado, los acusados llegaron a un acuerdo.Lee Michael Huttner$1,250,000
Caso de Accidente por Tropezón y Caída en Brooklyn Resuelto por $3 MillonesHerbert S. Subin$3,000,000
Acuerdo de $25,000,000 para trabajador de construcción lesionado.Charles Hurowitz ,Michael Mingino ,Gregory T. Cerchione$25,000,000
Acuerdo para una automovilista del Bronx que resultó herida cuando su vehículo fue golpeado por un automóvil que hacía un giro ilegal a la izquierda.Michael Mingino$1,100,000
Acuerdo para un automovilista de Brooklyn que resultó herido cuando su vehículo recién reparado perdió una rueda y se estrellóMichael Mingino$3,000,000
Acuerdo en un caso de arresto falso/encarcelamiento falso en Brooklyn. La condena por asesinato de nuestro cliente fue anulada en apelación y él nos contrató para entablar una acción contra el Estado de Nueva York por encarcelamiento injusto. Pudimos resolver exitosamente este asunto sin haber iniciado una demanda.Charles Hurowitz$8,400,000
Acuerdo para un conductor de Westchester que fue golpeado por detrás mientras estaba detenidoCharles Hurowitz$1,250,000
Acuerdo para un conductor de Manhattan que fue golpeado por detrás en el FDR DriveCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Acuerdo para una mujer de Queens que resultó herida cuando se abrió una reja de la acera desde abajo mientras caminaba, lo que provocó que tropezara y cayera al pavimento. La oferta original de los demandados fue de 650.000 dólares. El caso fue llevado a juicio y resuelto antes de que se eligiera un jurado.Herbert S. Subin$3,750,000
Acuerdo para un peatón de Queens que fue atropellado por un camión de Verizon al girar mientras cruzaba la calleCharles Hurowitz$1,650,000
Automovilista de Brooklyn golpeado por un coche de policía de la NYPD en una intersecciónMichael Mingino$1,275,000
Acuerdo para un automovilista de Queens que resultó herido cuando un camión cruzó dos carriles y chocó contra su vehículo.Charles Hurowitz$1,585,000
Acción por muerte injusta - conductor de excavadora retrocede hasta el paso de peatones, resultando en muerte.Charles Hurowitz$3,750,000
Acuerdo para un hombre de Westchester que resultó herido cuando se derrumbó el techo de su cocinaCharles Hurowitz$1,800,000
Acuerdo para un hombre de Staten Island que tropezó con un defecto en el estacionamiento de un centro comercialCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Mujer de Brooklyn tropieza y cae debido a un defecto en la acera$1,500,000
Acuerdo para un peatón de Queens que tropezó y cayó en una acera elevadaCharles Hurowitz$2,800,000
Acuerdo para un trabajador de Manhattan que estuvo involucrado en la demolición de un edificio cuando fue golpeado por una caldera que fue removida negligentemente por otros trabajadores.$6,000,000
Acuerdo para un cliente de Manhattan que resultó herida al tropezar con un defecto en la acera cerca de una obra de construcciónCharles Hurowitz$2,000,000
Acuerdo para una mujer de Brooklyn que resultó herida en un ascensor de un edificio de apartamentos de la NYCHACharles Hurowitz$1,350,000
Acuerdo para un conductor de Queens que fue golpeado por detrás mientras estaba detenidoCharles Hurowitz$1,750,000
Acuerdo para un trabajador de la construcción de Brooklyn que resultó herido cuando cayó desde la parte superior de una escaleraMichael Mingino$3,000,000
Acuerdo para un trabajador de la construcción de Manhattan que cayó de una escalera inestable durante el trabajo de demoliciónMichael Mingino$2,000,000
Acuerdo de $1,760,000.00 para cliente y su hija discapacitada, quienes resultaron heridas en una furgoneta de Access-A-RideCharles Hurowitz$1,760,000
Acuerdo de $1,350,000.00 para un peatón de Manhattan que pisó un hoyo en la aceraCharles Hurowitz$1,350,000
Acuerdo de $1,350,000.00 para cliente del Bronx cuyo vehículo fue impactado por detrás mientras estaba detenidoLee Michael Huttner$1,350,000
Acuerdo de $1,875,000.00 para un cliente de Brooklyn que cayó sobre un poste de andamio después de tropezar y caer debido a un defecto en la aceraCharles Hurowitz$1,875,000
Acuerdo de $2,450,000.00 para un conductor del Bronx que fue impactado por detrás por un camiónCharles Hurowitz$2,450,000
Acuerdo de $1,500,000.00 para un conductor de Suffolk County, Long Island, que fue impactado por detrás mientras estaba detenido.Charles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Acuerdo de $1,500,000.00 para cliente de Manhattan que resultó lesionada cuando se derrumbó el techo de su bañoCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Acuerdo de $1,325,000.00 para cliente de Long Island que resultó herido después de ser impactado lateralmente mientras conducía en Long Island CityCharles Hurowitz$1,325,000
Acuerdo de $2,950,000.00 para un cliente que se lesionó cuando cayó entre un muelle de carga y un camión mientras trabajabaCharles Hurowitz$2,950,000
Acuerdo de $7,750,000.00 por veredicto obtenido para un conductor de Manhattan que resultó gravemente herido después de que un camión lo impactara por detrásHerbert S. Subin$7,750,000
Acuerdo de $1,250,000 para cliente de Queens lesionado por barricada de construcción en la acera.Charles Hurowitz$1,250,000
Acuerdo de $1,300,000 para cliente del Bronx que resbaló en una mancha de aceite en una gasolinera.Herbert S. Subin$1,300,000
Acuerdo de $1,250,000 para cliente del Bronx golpeado por un gabinete de cocina que se cayó de la pared.Charles Hurowitz$1,250,000
Acuerdo de $2,000,000 para cliente del Bronx que tropezó y cayó por un defecto en el pavimento frente a un centro comunitario.Charles Hurowitz$2,000,000
Acuerdo de $1,200,000 para peatón en Queens que tropezó y cayó debido a un defecto en la acera.Charles Hurowitz$1,200,000
Acuerdo de $2,398,500 para trabajador de construcción en Brooklyn golpeado por andamio caído.Charles Hurowitz$2,398,500
Acuerdo de $1,325,000 para peatón de Queens que resbaló y cayó en acera helada.Charles Hurowitz$1,325,000
Acuerdo de $1,200,000 para cliente de Long Island lesionado al pisar un bache en un centro comercial.Charles Hurowitz$1,200,000
Acuerdo de $1,000,000 para un pasajero en un vehículo cuyo conductor perdió el control.Michael Mingino$1,000,000
Acuerdo de $4,000,000 para trabajador de construcción del Bronx que cayó de una escalera sin asegurar.Charles Hurowitz$4,000,000
Acuerdo de $2,100,000 para cliente del Bronx que resbaló y cayó en pavimento de acera helada.Charles Hurowitz$2,100,000
Acuerdo de $3,025,000 para trabajador de construcción de Long Island City lesionado al resbalar y caer en escalones mojados.Charles Hurowitz$3,025,000
Acuerdo de $1,300,000 para cliente de Queens lesionado en caída por acera desigual.Charles Hurowitz$1,300,000
Acuerdo de $2,500,000 para cliente cuyo vehículo fue chocado por detrás por un autobús de la ciudad de Nueva York.Lee Michael Huttner$2,500,000
Acuerdo de $3,250,000 para trabajador de construcción del Bronx que cayó de una escalera sin asegurar en un sitio de trabajo de una escuela pública.Charles Hurowitz$3,250,000
Acuerdo de $1,000,000 para cliente de Brooklyn herido al caer en un bache en el estacionamiento de una tienda.Charles Hurowitz$1,000,000
Veredicto de $1,407,500 para cliente de Brooklyn lesionado debido a un defecto en la acera.Herbert S. Subin$1,407,500
Acuerdo de $3,000,000 para peatón de Forest Hills, Queens lesionado debido a una acera defectuosa.Charles Hurowitz$3,000,000
Acuerdo de $2,000,000 para trabajador del Departamento de Saneamiento de NYC lesionado debido a un defecto en una acera de Brooklyn.Michael Mingino$2,000,000
Acuerdo de $1,250,000 para peatón de Manhattan golpeado por escombros transportados a un contenedor por trabajadores del edificio.Charles Hurowitz$1,250,000
Acuerdo de $3,500,000 para cliente de Queens lesionado en un accidente de resbalón y caída.Charles Hurowitz$3,500,000
Acuerdo de $1,150,000 para trabajador de construcción de Brooklyn lesionado por equipo defectuoso.Charles Hurowitz$1,150,000
Acuerdo de $2,000,000 para peatón del Bronx lesionado por un conductor distraído.Charles Hurowitz$2,000,000
Acuerdo para un peatón de Brooklyn que resultó herido al caer en un defecto de la acera.Charles Hurowitz$1,450,000
Acuerdo de $1,872,500 para conductor del Bronx alcanzado por detrás por un camión.Charles Hurowitz$1,872,500
Acuerdo de $1,750,000 para peatón del Bronx lesionado por perno saliente en la acera.Charles Hurowitz$1,750,000
Acuerdo de $1,850,000 para trabajador de construcción de Manhattan lesionado en el sitio.Charles Hurowitz$1,850,000
Acuerdo de $2,000,000 para peatón de Manhattan tropezado por pavimento desigual.Charles Hurowitz$2,000,000
Acuerdo de $1,600,000 para cliente de Queens lesionado en accidente de resbalón y caída.Charles Hurowitz$1,600,000
Acuerdo de $1,250,000 para cliente de Brooklyn lesionado por objeto caído.Charles Hurowitz$1,250,000
Acuerdo de $1,800,000 para conductor de Manhattan colisionado por detrás por un camión.Lee Michael Huttner$1,800,000
Acuerdo para un automovilista de Queens que resultó herido cuando su vehículo fue golpeado lateralmente por un camión mientras estaba detenida en un semáforo en rojo.Charles Hurowitz$1,300,000
Acuerdo para un cliente del Bronx que tropezó y cayó en un escalón defectuoso en la escalera de un edificio de apartamentos. La oferta inicial del demandado fue de $75,000.Lee Michael Huttner$1,000,000
Acuerdo para una mujer del Bronx que sufrió una lesión grave en la espalda cuando tropezó y cayó en una acera elevada/defectuosa cerca de una escuela secundaria del Bronx.Charles Hurowitz$1,900,000
Negociación de siete cifras para un automovilista de Queens que fue chocado por detrás por un camión mientras estaba detenidoCharles Hurowitz$1,036,000
Settlement for a client who suffered a broken ankle and other injuries when she tripped and fell on a defective sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,900,000
Settlement for a Manhattan woman whose car was struck and dragged by an out of control truckCharles Hurowitz$3,500,000
Recovery Brooklyn for our client a bicyclist injured by a motor vehicle just before Herb Subin was going to sum up on damages. The highest pretrial offer by defendant was $250,000Herbert S. Subin$4,250,000
Settlement for a woman who was physically assaulted by a police officer in a Brooklyn homeless shelterCharles Hurowitz$2,750,000
Settlement for a client who was injured after tripping and falling in a Brooklyn parking lotCharles Hurowitz$2,000,000
Settlement for a Nassau County pedestrian who was struck by a car while in crosswalkCharles Hurowitz$1,100,000
Verdict obtained for a Brooklyn driver whose vehicle was struck by a busHerbert S. Subin$14,700,000
Settlement for a Nassau County driver whose vehicle was struck by a truck changing lanesCharles Hurowitz$2,800,000
Settlement for client who suffered back and shoulder injuries when his vehicle was sideswiped on the Manhattan BridgeCharles Hurowitz$1,000,000
Verdict for a Queens motorist who suffered serious back injuries after being rear endedFrank M. Melendez$13,200,000
Settlement for a passenger in a motor vehicle who was injured when it swerved and struck another vehicle on the Sagtikos State Parkway in Islip, NYHerbert S. Subin$1,150,000
Settlement for client who suffered a spinal injury after slip and fall on defective Bronx sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$2,000,000
Settlement for Brooklyn client who was injured when she slipped and fell inside a supermarketMichael Mingino$1,300,000
Brooklyn – recovery from NYCTA for a bus vs car accident during trial for our clientHerbert S. Subin$1,875,000
Brooklyn jury awarded to a 62-year-old man who was struck by a New York City police carHerbert S. Subin$11,800,000
Brooklyn settlement for our client who was a pedestrian struck by a carMichael Mingino$1,500,000
Settlement for a Queens driver who was rear ended by a police carCharles Hurowitz$1,250,000
New York – slip and fall settlementCharles Hurowitz$1,900,000
Settlement against NYCHA for a client who was injured by the collapse of a defective ceilingMichael Mingino$1,750,000
Settlement for a client whose vehicle was struck by an NYPD vehicle in a Brooklyn intersectionMichael Mingino$1,250,000
Settlement for client who was injured when he tripped and fell on a defective sidewalk in BrooklynMichael Mingino$1,500,000
Brooklyn settlement for motor vehicle accidentMichael Mingino$1,135,000
Settlement for a Staten Island woman who was struck by a school bus while crossing the streetMichael Mingino$2,000,000
Settlement for a pedestrian who was struck by a car in Westchester CountyCharles Hurowitz$3,950,000
Awarded to the victim of a slip-and-fall on snow and iceCharles Hurowitz$1,300,000
Manhattan recovery for a pedestrian struck by Transit Authority vehicleHerbert S. Subin$5,000,000
Settlement for an 8-year-old child involved in a drowning incident at a summer camp poolCharles Hurowitz$1,000,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn client who was sideswiped by a NYC Sanitation truckMichael Mingino$1,625,000
Concesión por heridas sufridas en accidente de construcción Herbert S. Subin$5,850,000
Brooklyn settlement for slip and fall on snowMichael Mingino$2,000,000
Settlement for a client who was injured when he tripped and fell on a defective sidewalk in front of a Queens McDonalds restaurantCharles Hurowitz$1,800,000
Settlement for a client who was rear ended by a Brooklyn school busMichael Mingino$1,600,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn client who was injured when his vehicle was struck in oncoming traffic by a sanitation truckCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Bronx jury awarded 63 year-old school custodian worker for burns received from faulty water heaterHerbert S. Subin$9,700,000
New York – sideswipe motor vehicle accident settlementCharles Hurowitz$1,200,000
Settlement for a client who suffered spinal injury in a motor vehicle collision in ManhattanCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Settlement for two motorists who were injured when their vehicle was rear ended in BrooklynCharles Hurowitz$2,250,000
Queens recovery for wrongful deathHerbert S. Subin$10,000,000
Brooklyn settlement due to landlord negligence and injuries due to fireCharles Hurowitz$5,520,000
Settlement for client who suffered back injuries when he tripped and fell on a sidewalk defect outside a Brooklyn supermarketMichael Mingino$1,000,000
Settlement from City of New York for victim who was struck by police carCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Settlement for a client who was injured when he tripped and fell on a defective sidewalk at a Brooklyn KFCMichael Mingino$1,900,000
Brooklyn recovery (full amount of insurance coverage) for our client who was injured at construction siteMichael Mingino$1,000,000
Settlement for a client who was seriously injured when he tripped and fell on a dangerously defective sidewalk on Riverside Drive in ManhattanCharles Hurowitz$3,500,000
Negociación para cliente de Manhattan que resbaló y cayó en escombros en escalerasCharles Hurowitz$1,200,000
Settlement for a Manhattan driver who was injured when his vehicle was struck by a car pulling out of a parking spaceCharles Hurowitz$1,600,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn client who was injured when he tripped and fell on a defective sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Settlement for a client who was injured on a NYC bus when a broken hand rail gave wayCharles Hurowitz$2,600,000
Recovered for a Bronx driver who suffered multiple injuries in a rear end collisionCharles Hurowitz$1,850,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn woman who was injured when she tripped and fell on a defective sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Settlement for a Long Island construction worker who was seriously injured when he fell off a scaffold. He was not provided any safety equipment or safety trainingCharles Hurowitz$1,875,000
Settlement for a Bronx client who was injured when he tripped and fell on a defective sidewalk in front of a NYCHA housing developmentCharles Hurowitz$1,000,000
New York – recovery for woman injured in her apartmentCharles Hurowitz$1,900,000
Settlement for a Queens pedestrian who was struck by a vanCharles Hurowitz$1,188,000
Settlement for a Manhattan pedestrian who was struck by a car that ran a red lightCharles Hurowitz$1,300,000
Settlement for a Nassau motorist who was injured when her vehicle was sideswipedCharles Hurowitz$2,800,000
Settlement for a pedestrian who tripped and fell on an improperly placed Con Edison metal plateCharles Hurowitz$1,200,000
Brooklyn motor vehicle accident caused knee injuriesHerbert S. Subin$1,600,000
Settlement for a client who suffered a serious back injury after falling on a defective Manhattan sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$2,300,000
Settlement for client who slipped and fell on a defective Brooklyn sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,412,500
Settlement from City of New York for trip and fall on sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,450,000
Settlement for a Bronx driver whose vehicle was struck by a NYC Transit busCharles Hurowitz$1,200,000
Verdict actual $7,000,000 with prejudgment interest for Queens client who was rear ended by a tour busHerbert S. Subin$5,100,000
Manhattan jury awarded women injured in a New York City bus accidentHerbert S. Subin$12,600,000
Brooklyn settlement after liability verdict intersection collision 100% liability for plaintiffHerbert S. Subin$1,750,000
New York motor vehicle caused knee fractureCharles Hurowitz$1,300,000
Settlement for a Staten Island woman who tripped and fell in a defect in a shopping center parking lotMichael Mingino$1,150,000
Suffolk County settlement in trip and fall caseCharles Hurowitz$5,000,000
Brooklyn settlement for victim of motor vehicle negligenceCharles Hurowitz$1,200,000
Brooklyn motor vehicle accident causing back injuriesCharles Hurowitz$2,000,000
Brooklyn jury awarded 41 year-old man for back injuries received in a car accidentHerbert S. Subin$10,200,000
settlement for a client who tripped and fell on sidewalk in front of a Brooklyn supermarketMichael Mingino$1,500,000
Settlement for a Bronx driver who suffered serious back and other injuries after being rear ended by another vehicleCharles Hurowitz$2,500,000
Settlement from City of New York for client who fellCharles Hurowitz$2,120,000
Settlement for a Manhattan man who was injured when he fell down a defective staircaseCharles Hurowitz$1,750,000
Settlement for a Bronx client who was injured by a sidewalk defectCharles Hurowitz$1,750,000
Brooklyn recovery for 58 year old pedestrian struck by NYPD police carHerbert S. Subin$4,600,000
Settlement for client who was injured when his vehicle was rear ended by a UPS truck on the Cross Bronx ExpresswayCharles Hurowitz$1,850,000
Settlement for a Manhattan client who suffered spinal injuries when she tripped and fell on a defective sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$2,500,000
Bronx settlement vs City of New York pedestrian hit by police car spine injuriesCharles Hurowitz$1,000,000
Bronx for our client who was injured in a motor vehicle accident with a garbage truckCharles Hurowitz$1,275,000
Settlement for Brooklyn man who was injured when he was forced to jumped out of stalled elevatorCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
52 year-old Queens man awarded jury verdict for injuries sustained in motor vehicle accident with two tow trucksHerbert S. Subin$8,700,000
Settlement for two clients who were injured when their vehicle was struck by an MTA busHerbert S. Subin$4,750,000
New York – recovery for woman injured in her apartment vs New York Housing AuthorityCharles Hurowitz$1,750,000
Settlement for a Bronx man who was injured when he slipped and fell on an icy sidewalk that had not been properly cleaned.Charles Hurowitz$2,000,000
Bronx settlement for our client who was injured falling on defective stairsCharles Hurowitz$1,700,000
Settlement for man who was injured when he tripped and fell on a broken floor around a metal plateCharles Hurowitz$1,550,000
Settlement for a client who fell on wet stairs at a McDonalds restaurant in BrooklynMichael Mingino$1,500,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn client who was injured when her car was sideswiped by a truck and propelled into another vehicleMichael Mingino$1,525,000
Settlement for Rockland County passenger injured in a motor vehicle who suffered spinal injuriesCharles Hurowitz$1,200,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn motorist who was rear endedCharles Hurowitz$1,875,000
Brooklyn settlement vs NYCTA for injuries our client suffered in a motor vehicle accidentMichael Mingino$1,500,000
Settlement for a client who was injured when she slipped and fell on a wet lobby floor that had not been properly cleaned and driedCharles Hurowitz$1,450,000
Settlement for a client who was falsely arrested, falsely imprisoned, maliciously prosecuted and falsely convicted of murderCharles Hurowitz$7,000,000
Settlement for client who sustained multiple injuries when she slipped and fell on defective Bronx sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$3,000,000
Settlement for a construction worker who fell through a hole in flooringCharles Hurowitz$3,100,000
Settlement for passenger in Brooklyn motor vehicle accident Charles Hurowitz$1,525,000
Settlement for a client who fell through a floor while working at a construction siteCharles Hurowitz$1,400,000
Settlement for a Manhattan woman who was injured when her bathroom ceiling collapsed on herCharles Hurowitz$2,250,000
Recovery for 56 year old Williamsburg man hit by New York City Parks Department TruckCharles Hurowitz$3,000,000
Settlement for a New York construction worker who was injured when a ladder on which he was working was struck causing him to fall and suffer serious injuries Charles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn client who was injured due to a fall at a gas stationCharles Hurowitz$1,750,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn driver whose vehicle was struck by a Federal Express truckCharles Hurowitz$2,300,000
Brooklyn – motor vehicle accident settlementMichael Mingino$1,400,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn client who was injured when she tripped and fell on a defective sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,600,000
Brooklyn client suffered serious spinal injuries after falling on a raised sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Verdict for a Queens motorist who was seriously injured after being rear endedHerbert S. Subin$11,875,000
Settlement for motor vehicle negligence case in BrooklynMichael Mingino$1,500,000
Settlement for construction worker who fell from a scaffoldCharles Hurowitz$1,250,000
Slip and fall accident in the Bronx causes our client torn ligaments in his knee Charles Hurowitz$1,280,000
Jurado del Condado del Bronx adjudico a un chofer de camion de 50 anos, el cual se resbalo en una plataforma de cargaHerbert S. Subin$21,000,000
Settlement for client who fell due to mis-leveled elevator Charles Hurowitz$1,600,000
Settlement for a Bronx man who was injured when he tripped and fell on a defective sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Settlement for a Manhattan construction worker who was injured when a pipe fell on a ladder on which he was standingCharles Hurowitz$1,875,000
Settlement for Brooklyn family injured in car accidentCharles Hurowitz$1,800,000
Bronx – recovery for victim of motor vehicle negligenceCharles Hurowitz$1,600,000
Settlement for a client who was injured when he tripped and fell on a defective, sunken Bronx sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,000,000
Settlement for a Bronx client who was hurt when he was rear ended while stopped at a red light.Charles Hurowitz$2,000,000
Settlement for a client who was injured after being rear ended on the Long Island Expressway (I-95)Charles Hurowitz$1,750,000
Settlement for a Bronx CPAP breathing machine user who was injured when a ceiling collapsed on her while sleepingCharles Hurowitz$1,200,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn client who slipped and fell on a defective sidewalkMichael Mingino$1,500,000
Recovery in Brooklyn for our client who fell due to a defective staircaseMichael Mingino$1,000,000
Settlement for client who suffered internal injuries after being struck by a truck in a Brooklyn crosswalkMichael Mingino$1,000,000
Settlement for a client who was involved in a construction site accident in ManhattanCharles Hurowitz$2,800,000
Settlement for New York man fell off scaffold during construction and suffered an arm injuryHerbert S. Subin$2,800,000
Settlement for a Bronx client who was rear ended by a school busCharles Hurowitz$3,750,000
Settlement for a Bronx worker who was seriously injured when the ladder he was on collapsedCharles Hurowitz$3,950,000
Settlement for a client whose vehicle was sideswiped by an MTA bus, causing multiple injuriesCharles Hurowitz$4,312,000
Settlement for a Manhattan motorist who was rear ended by a private sanitation truckCharles Hurowitz$1,750,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn driver who was injured when his car was struck by a vehicle making a right turn from the left laneCharles Hurowitz$1,085,000
Verdict for passenger who suffered a fractured femur and other injuries when a car in which she was a passenger was rear ended on the Sagtikos State ParkwayHerbert S. Subin$1,700,000
Settlement for a Manhattan driver who was injured when his car was struck by a sanitation truckCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Settlement for a client whose vehicle was sideswiped by a vehicle trying to merge into oncoming trafficCharles Hurowitz$1,600,000
Settlement for a Bronx woman who was a passenger in a car accident and suffered a herniated disc Charles Hurowitz$1,600,000
Settlement with the New York City Transit Authority in the Bronx for our client who slipped and fell and suffered a back injuryCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Settlement for a woman who slipped and fell on a wet cement floor when leaving an elevator in a Westchester apartment buildingCharles Hurowitz$1,100,000
Settlement for a Manhattan man who tripped and fell over a broken plastic road dividerCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Settlement for a client who was injured in a Brooklyn intersection when he was struck by a driver who ran a stop signMichael Mingino$1,600,000
Settlement for a client who sustained multiple injuries when she fell backward down a staircase in a Brooklyn retail storeCharles Hurowitz$1,700,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn client whose vehicle was rear ended by a UPS truckCharles Hurowitz$1,700,000
Settlement for a client who suffered multiple serious injuries when she tripped and fell on a defective sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,425,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn driver who was injured when his vehicle was struck by a sanitation truckMichael Mingino$1,500,000
Settlement for a security guard who was injured when he slipped and fell on a wet break room floor due to the negligence of the cleaning companyCharles Hurowitz$1,200,000
Settlement for Brooklyn man who was injured when he slipped and fall on iceMichael Mingino$1,200,000
Settlement for client who was injured when he tripped and fell while making a delivery to a Brooklyn storeMichael Mingino$1,000,000
Settlement for Brooklyn construction worker injured on the job Charles Hurowitz$3,000,000
Negociación para mujer de Queens que fue herida tras tropezar y caer en estacionamiento de Dunkin DonutsCharles Hurowitz$1,350,000
Verdict for a Bronx client who was injured when her bathroom ceiling collapsed on herHerbert S. Subin$4,200,000
Settlement for a client who was injured when he tripped and fell on a defective sidewalk in front of a pharmacyCharles Hurowitz$1,275,000
Settlement for a Bronx woman who was injured in a bedroom ceiling collapse incidentCharles Hurowitz$1,100,000
Settlement for our client who was injured in a Brooklyn motor vehicle accidentMichael Mingino$1,500,000
Settlement for a disabled Brooklyn woman who fell down a staircase due to a defective handrailHerbert S. Subin$3,000,000
Brooklyn jury awarded 2 Brooklyn women for injuries sustained in accident with NYC Transit busHerbert S. Subin$7,500,000
Settlement in Brooklyn for our client who was injured in a motor vehicle accident Charles Hurowitz$2,000,000
Settlement for two clients who fell down a broken staircase; the dangerous condition of the stairs had been reported over an extended period of timeHerbert S. Subin$4,500,000
Settlement for a client who tripped and fell due to a defective Brooklyn sidewalkMichael Mingino$1,500,000
Settlement for our client who broke both of his legs in a motorcycle accident Charles Hurowitz$1,750,000
Settlement during trial for a Manhattan construction worker who was injured when he tripped and fell over debris at job site while carrying heavy objectsHerbert S. Subin$4,750,000
Settlement obtained for a client who was injured when he fell in a Queens parking lotCharles Hurowitz$1,250,000
Settlement for a Bronx motorist who was sideswiped by an NYPD police carCharles Hurowitz$1,250,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn woman who injured her back when she tripped and fell on an uneven sidewalk in front of a movie theaterCharles Hurowitz$1,300,000
Settlement for a passenger in a Manhattan vehicle that was struck by an NYPD vehicleCharles Hurowitz$1,025,000
Verdict for a client who sustained serious orthopedic and back injuries when he tripped and fell on a negligently maintained Brooklyn sidewalk. The settlement offer on the case was $200,000, which was increased to $500,000 immediately before the verdict was returned.Herbert S. Subin$10,000,000
Settlement for a Queens man who tripped and fell on a raised grate in a bank parking lotCharles Hurowitz$1,430,000
Acuerdo de juicio en Brooklyn luego de veredicto de 100% para demandante que se accidentó a causa de escaleras defectuosasHerbert S. Subin$2,400,000
Verdict in Brooklyn for motor vehicle accident (the verdict was delivered only 2 years after the accident)Herbert S. Subin$2,500,000
Manhattan jury awarded woman for back injuries sustained from a kitchen ceiling collapseHerbert S. Subin$8,000,000
New York Construction worker injured when roof he was working caved in causing him to fall 20 feet injuring his ankle and backCharles Hurowitz$3,000,000
Settlement for a Manhattan man who was struck and knocked down by an NYC Sanitation truckCharles Hurowitz$1,000,000
Settlement for a Bronx client who tripped and fell in a hole at a Walgreen’s parking lotCharles Hurowitz$2,250,000
Settlement for a Bronx woman who was injured by a collapsed ceiling while stepping out of the showerCharles Hurowitz$5,500,000
Settlement for a client who was struck by an ambulance that was not parked properly and rolled backwards into himHerbert S. Subin$3,000,000
Settlement for Bronx client who was injured when he fell down a defective staricaseCharles Hurowitz$1,350,000
Settlement for a Manhattan construction worker who was injured when he tripped and fell on construction debrisCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Settlement for Bronx client who was injured when he fell down a defective staricaseHerbert S. Subin$1,000,000
Settlement for a client who was working at a demolition site when a wall collapsed on himCharles Hurowitz$2,900,000
Settlement in Brooklyn for our client who slipped and fell and suffered a leg fractureMichael Mingino$1,150,000
Settlement in Brooklyn for a motor vehicle victim who was in a collision with a NYPD vehicle Michael Mingino$1,000,000
Settlement in New York County for our client who suffered a shoulder injury when a ceiling collapsed Charles Hurowitz$1,270,000
Settlement for a Bronx client who was injured in a bus accidentCharles Hurowitz$1,300,000
Settlement for a driver who was involved in a multi-vehicle accident in BrooklynMichael Mingino$1,090,000
Settlement in Brooklyn for our cleint who suffered a back injury due to a trip and fallMichael Mingino$1,500,000
Brooklyn arbitration award for accident victimCharles Hurowitz$2,695,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn client who was seriously injured due to falling on a defective sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,650,000
We recently settled a Bronx case for $1,500,000.00. We represented a client who was injured by protruding metal on an apartment building staircase.Charles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Settlement in Orange County for injuries sustained in a car accidentCharles Hurowitz$5,000,000
Settlement for a client who tripped and fell over defective pavement in a Brooklyn parking lotMichael Mingino$1,100,000
Settlement for a Manhattan woman who was injured when she slipped and fell on sewage that leaked from plumbing in a NYCHA buildingHerbert S. Subin$2,750,000
Settlement for a Bronx client who was injured by a collapsed ceiling in her apartmentCharles Hurowitz$1,000,000
Negociación para corredor de Manhattan que fue herido tras tropezar y caer en acera defectuosaCharles Hurowitz$2,750,000
Settlement for a Manhattan motorist who was injured when her vehicle was rear endedCharles Hurowitz$1,750,000
Settlement for a Manhattan client who slipped and fell down a wet staircase suffering injuries Charles Hurowitz$1,650,000
SSettlement for a Brooklyn client who was seriously injured due to falling on a cracked sidewalkettlement for a Brooklyn client who was seriously injured when falling on a cracked sidewalkHerbert S. Subin$4,250,000
Verdicto Jurado de Brooklyn, adjudico a una mujer de 33 anos, la cual sufrio una lesion en el cuello en una colision de auto. TA nunca ofrecio dinero para intentar llegar a un acuerdo incluso despues de que Herbert Subin gano 100 por ciento responsabilidad en contra de ellos Herbert S. Subin$14,750,000
Brooklyn jury awards our client $2,500,000 for knee injuries suffered due to motor vehicle accident Herbert S. Subin$2,500,000
Verdict for a Bronx woman who was seriously injured when she slipped and fell on a wet floor in CostcoLee Michael Huttner$1,600,000
Settlement for pedestrian who suffered serious head injury after being struck by a car in an intersectionCharles Hurowitz$1,000,000
Settlement for client who was injured when she tripped and fell on a defective sidewalk in front of a restaurantCharles Hurowitz$2,950,000
Settlement during trial for a Hasidic man in Brooklyn who was hit by police car and suffered a shoulder fracture, brain injury and hearing lossHerbert S. Subin$4,500,000
Settlement in the Bronx from the City of New York for injuries our client sustained in a motor vehicle accidentCharles Hurowitz$1,750,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn driver whose vehicle was struck in an intersection by an NYPD police carHerbert S. Subin$2,550,000
Settlement for a client who required spine surgery as a result of an auto accident in BrooklynMichael Mingino$1,250,000
Queens settlement for family of man run over and killed by Port Authority BusHerbert S. Subin$5,500,000
Settlement for woman who was struck by car while crossing the streetHerbert S. Subin$3,200,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn client who was injured when he slipped and fell on water that had dripped from a sign at a New York City subway stationHerbert S. Subin$4,500,000
Settlement for a client who sustained multiple injuries after falling on a defective Brooklyn sidewalkMichael Mingino$1,500,000
Settlement for our client in the Bronx who suffered a puncture wound due to a negligently maintained premisesCharles Hurowitz$1,550,000
Settlement for our client who suffered a broken wrist due to the defendant's negligence Charles Hurowitz$1,010,000
Settlement for a Manhattan client who tripped and fell on a defective sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,550,000
Settlement for a Bronx driver who was struck by an NYPD police vehicleCharles Hurowitz$1,700,000
Bronx settlement with the City of New York for client who was a motor vehicle accident victimCharles Hurowitz$1,300,000
Negociación para conductor del Bronx que fue chocado en la parte posterior del vehículo estando estacionadoCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Negociación para peatón de Manhattan que fue atropellado por un vehículo Charles Hurowitz$2,000,000
Negociación para ciclista de Queens que fue arrollado por un automóvilCharles Hurowitz$1,800,000
Settlement in the Bronx with the City of New York for a motor vehicle accident that caused our client to suffer leg injuries Charles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Settlement for two clients who both suffered serious injuries when their car was sideswiped by a NYC Transit Authority bus in BrooklynHerbert S. Subin$4,750,000
Settlement for a passenger in a vehicle that was rear ended on the George Washington BridgeCharles Hurowitz$1,015,000
Settlement for a client who suffered multiple injuries when she tripped and fell on a Manhattan sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,700,000
Recovery for two children injured in van accidentCharles Hurowitz$3,250,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn pedestrian who was struck by a truck while crossing the streetMichael Mingino$2,000,000
Settlement for Brooklyn client who suffered multiple injuries when his vehicle was rear ended on the Belt Parkway.Charles Hurowitz$2,100,000
Bronx – passenger in motor vehicle accident settlementCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Settlement for a client who was injured when his apartment ceiling collapsedCharles Hurowitz$1,250,000
Settlement for a Staten Island client who was injured when she tripped and fell in a shopping center parking lotMichael Mingino$1,150,000
Recovery New York for our client who tripped on a broken sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,672,000
Settlement for a client who was struck by a revolving door in a Manhattan office buildingCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Brooklyn settlement during trial labor lawHerbert S. Subin$1,900,000
Bronx – recovery for victim of landlord’s negligence resulting in a fall downCharles Hurowitz$1,450,000
Settlement for a Manhattan pedestrian who was injured when two cars collidedCharles Hurowitz$2,650,000
Settlement for Brooklyn client who suffered spinal injuries after falling on a defective sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$1,200,000
Settlement for a New York pedestrian who was hit by a motor vehicle and suffered a herniated disc and knee injuryCharles Hurowitz$1,500,000
Settlement obtained for Brooklyn boy struck by school bus Herbert S. Subin$7,700,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn pedestrian who was injured when she tripped and fell on a defective sidewalkCharles Hurowitz$2,450,000
Settlement for a Brooklyn motorist who was rear ended by a NYC busCharles Hurowitz$1,375,000
Settlement on behalf of driver and passenger rear ended by a NYC ambulanceCharles Hurowitz$3,000,000
Settlement in Brooklyn for our clients who were hit by a City of New York vehicleCharles Hurowitz$3,000,000
Settlement for a client who was rear-ended at an intersection in BrooklynCharles Hurowitz$2,500,000
Jury award to driver for back injuries that resulted from a motor vehicle accidentHerbert S. Subin$9,000,000

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