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NYC construction realm: vast, varied and notably high-risk

That things are ever-pulsing and of an outsized nature across New York City is apparent by the host of nicknames the metro is globally associated with.

The Big Apple. Empire City. Capital of the World. The City That Never Sleeps.

Those designations denote an environment marked by vast spread and large undertakings.

Including in the construction realm, which is spotlighted in the paragraphs below. The NYC metropolis spanning multiple diverse boroughs could easily merit this additional moniker as well: The City of Nonstop Building.

Because, indeed, that is the case. Construction of seemingly limitless variety proceeds without pause across New York City. Skyscrapers continuously rise into the sky. New and restorative work focuses on roadways, schools, hospitals, entertainment venues, industrial facilities, parking structures, shopping centers and countless other projects.

Construction workers with expertise across scores of specialties are the central cog in that, of course. Roofers, iron workers, carpenters, electricians, machinery operators, painters, welders, pipefitters – scores of thousands of workers with skill in those and additional fields collectively ensure that the city is constantly updating and evolving.

There are obviously great industry opportunities linked with that. And there are also risks.

Injury risk a constant challenge for NYC construction workers

A legal source spotlighting injury catalysts for New York City construction workers notes that those employees “face a greater risk of work-related injury than any other industry in the United States.” Here are just a few prime injury facilitators:

  • Falls from heights (e.g., scaffold and ladder injuries)

  • Falling debris

  • Structural collapses and cave ins

  • Forklift mishaps

  • Electrical accidents

  • Toxic exposure

  • Crane accidents

  • Malfunctioning equipment

That list is wide-ranging, but it barely scratches the surface of injury risks daily faced by industry workers.

And it begs this question: What legal protections exist that can be invoked by a construction employee who suffers an on-the-job injury?

When the workers’ compensation process becomes relevant

So-called “workers’ comp” can become vitally important to a construction worker from the moment that he or she suffers a job-related injury. Workers’ compensation is essentially an employment contract/understanding pursuant to which a worker forgoes the right to sue in exchange for injury-linked benefits provided via employer-sponsored insurance coverage.

Third-party injury claims: a potential supplement to workers’ comp

Injured parties are generally confined to remedies available under the state workers’ compensation scheme in cases where employer negligence alone featured.

In some instances, though, third-party carelessness or wrongdoing also serves as an injury catalyst. Workers can be harmed by other drivers, employees of subcontractors, vendors, suppliers, customers or myriad other parties. They may have a legal right in any such instance to pursue a personal injury suit seeking maximum compensation, in addition to benefits secured through workers’ compensation.

Entitlements following workplace injury can potentially include the following benefits and more:

  • Medical costs

  • Outlays for future therapy and rehabilitation

  • Replacement income (lost wages)

  • Compensation for long-term/permanent disability

Workers’ compensation and personal injury claims can be complex, with the time allowed for responding being limited. An experienced and results-oriented legal team can help an employee in the construction realm or other industry take a proactive and effective remedy-focused stance in the wake of a workplace injury.

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