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Truck weight can contribute to truck accidents

Pushing limits — sometimes it is a good thing, and sometimes it is not. When it comes to safety regulations, for example, pushing the limits or exceeding them is far from a good thing. The trucking industry is known for pushing boundaries, particularly when it comes to how much cargo is being moved at any given time. These trucks can only carry so much, and when overloaded, bad things can happen. Truck weight can and has contributed to a number of truck accidents in the state of New York and elsewhere.

When a truck is overloaded, it doesn’t take much for it to flip on its side or jackknife. Too much weight causes braking systems to be compromised and tires to be overworked, which affects the vehicle’s stopping ability. In short, overloaded trucks are difficult to control, which makes them dangerous.

There are federal limits set for how much commercial vehicles are allowed to haul. On top of that, different kinds of trucks can carry different amounts of weight. Truck drivers and their employers know what their limits are. Unfortunately, some are not vigilant in checking loads before their trucks hit the road.

When truck accidents happen because trucks are overloaded, according to New York laws, the victims of these accidents or — in the event of fatality — their surviving family members may be entitled to seek compensation for their losses. Legal counsel will have the ability to investigate one’s case and, if appropriate, help file civil claims against all parties believed responsible for any losses sustained. An experienced attorney may be able to negotiate a fair settlement without taking the matter to court; however, if negotiations fail, litigation may be appropriate.

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