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Police say drunk driver causes Brooklyn crash, 8 injured

April 13 was just another average Friday in Brooklyn. Everything came crashing down for eight people, though, when a drunk driver caused a multi-vehicle accident — injuring car occupants and pedestrians. In New York and elsewhere, drunk driving is negligent driving and also a significant criminal offense. As such, the victims of this crash may pursue compensation for their losses through legal means.

According to a local news report, a 27-year-old male was speeding in his Mercedes on Flatbush Ave. when he collided with the back end of a BMW. The force of impact sent the Mercedes onto the sidewalk and into a group of pedestrians. The BMW, on the other hand, spun the other direction into another vehicle.

A total of four pedestrians suffered injuries in the wreck — two of them were initially listed in critical condition following their admittance to Kings County Hospital. The driver responsible, a passenger in his vehicle and the drivers of the two other cars involved all required medical treatment and were transported to hospitals for care. Since the event, police have charged the young man with drunk driving and breath test refusal. It is unclear as to when this case will be heard in criminal court.

The emotional, physical and financial toll each of the victims is suffering from at the point may be quite significant. They have all suffered losses which have the ability to affect their lives from here on out. As a drunk driver reportedly caused this wreck, each of the victims has the right to take legal actions against him in an effort to seek monetary damages. Each individual can do this by filing and litigating the appropriate legal claims in a New York civil court, with the assistance of an experienced personal injury attorney.

Source: New York Daily News, “Mercedes driver cuffed after he drunkenly sparks three-car crash, leaves 8 hospitalized, 2 critically in Brooklyn“, Adam Shrier and Thomas Tracy, April 14, 2018

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