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When a truck accident is weather-related

Snow and ice will soon be a common sight on New York streets and highways. How people operate their vehicles in such conditions can mean the difference between arriving at their destinations safely and getting in an accident. Semi drivers need to be particularly careful when the weather is bad, as they can quickly lose control of their vehicles and the results can be disastrous. When a truck accident happens and it is weather-related, victims may still be able to seek compensation for their losses.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has released a whole page of weather-related driving tips, particularly about driving too fast when the roads are bad. Truck drivers are to reduce their speeds when visibility is poor and when roads are wet or covered in ice. On wet roads, it is suggested that drivers reduce their speed by one third. On snow covered roads, speed should be reduced by one half. If roads are covered with ice, drivers are asked to drive slowly or pull over.

Why does speed matter? The combination of speed and poor weather conditions contributes to 25 percent of all fatal truck accidents. This is a pretty significant number. When these trucks lose control, anything and anyone in their path is likely to suffer significant damage thanks to the size and weight of these massive machines.

New York residents who have suffered injuries or lost loved ones in weather-related trucking accidents may have legal recourse. Victims or their surviving family members may seek compensation for their losses by filing civil claims against the driver believed responsible for the truck accident and anyone else believed responsible for their losses. If litigation proves successful, relief for any losses which have been documented may be awarded.

Source: fmcsa.dot.gov, “CMV Driving Tips – Too Fast for Conditions”, Accessed on Nov. 20, 2017

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