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Police looking for those driving under the influence this weekend

Labor Day is fast approaching and with it comes people looking to enjoy the long weekend away from work and school. Of course, with that comes people driving under the influence and DUI-related car accidents. Police all across New York will be out in force, hoping to stop people from impaired driving and save others from the anguish of being involved in a crash caused by drunk drivers.

According to a recent news report, Governor Cuomo announced that sobriety checkpoints will be set up all over the state this weekend and that there will be a highly increased police presence. This is is part of the “Get Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign that is going on all across the country. This is a pretty standard end-of-summer campaign.

What can people expect this weekend? Residents of New York and visitors to the state can expect to see checkpoints set up in highly traveled areas. They can also expect to see more than the usual amount of law enforcement officers out on patrol. This may cause traffic congestion in some areas, but in the long run it is worth it.

Too many people have been hurt or lost loved ones in accidents caused by individuals who were driving under the influence of alcohol. Those who have may, according to the laws of New York, have legal recourse. Civil claims may be filed in an effort to seek compensation for any losses sustained. If litigation proves successful, maximum relief may be awarded.

Source: New York Daily News, “Cops to set up DWI checkpoints all over New York for Labor Day“, Glenn Blain, Aug. 31, 2017

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