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One may seek compensation if hit while crossing a crosswalk

Quite a few residents of New York walk as their main mode of transportation, particularly in Manhattan or other big city areas. Crossing streets is not always that easy, though, even if crosswalks are available. However, state laws are clear regarding motorists’ responsibilities in giving pedestrians in crosswalks the right-of-way. Anyone hit while crossing a crosswalk may have legal recourse.

According to state laws, pedestrians are not to cross a street if an approaching car is too close to safely stop or yield. Motorists are to stop or slow down for pedestrians who are already in the process of crossing in designated crosswalks. If one vehicle is stopped for a pedestrian in a marked or unmarked crosswalk, other approaching vehicles are also required to stop in order to allow the pedestrian to pass. Unfortunately, even with these laws that are meant to protect pedestrians and drivers, numerous pedestrian accidents are reported in New York every year.

Auto-pedestrian accidents happen for a number of reasons. Some of these include distracted driving, failure to yield and failure to see — among various others. There are times when the driver may be found fully at fault for such an incident and times when the victim may also be blamed for causing the collision.

One who has been injured after being hit while crossing a crosswalk or lost a loved one in such an event, even if the victim is thought partially at fault, may seek compensation for his or her losses. This can be done by filing legal claims against the driver in a New York civil court with the help of an experienced attorney. If litigation proves successful, maximum relief may be awarded for any damages sustained that are deemed recoverable.

Source: nysenate.gov, “Vehicle and Traffic“, Accessed on July 18, 2017

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