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Train and car collide, 6 dead in New York fatal accident

A recent Tuesday evening was a time of tragedy when a commuter train and a sport utility vehicle collided on the tracks north of New York City. The fatal accident left six people dead and 12 others injured. Governor Cuomo described it as a truly gruesome scene. Still, considering the gravity of the circumstances, authorities said that it is miraculous that more passengers were not injured or killed.

The commuter train struck the SUV while traveling through a crossing where the train gates had deployed on top of the vehicle. According to reports, the tremendous impact of the collision caused an explosion, which propelled a 750 volt train rail into the first train car. The train pushed the sport vehicle the length of approximately 10 train cars. Both the train and vehicle caught fire.

The Federal Railroad Administration issued a statement which expressed its rising concern with apparent lack of safety on the railroad line. Multiple other accidents have occurred in the area, and safety authorities have accused the Metro-North Railroad of letting standards slide in an effort to keep trains running on time. A railroad company spokesman noted that safety is a main priority.

Passengers who survived the fatal accident in New York were evacuated from the train and taken to a local gymnasium for shelter. Family members who survive loved ones who have met an untimely death in such a tragedy, as well as those who become injured themselves in a vehicular accident are entitled to consultation with a legal professional who has experience dealing with motor vehicle accident claims. Many times, ongoing pain or financial crisis arises as a result of an accident. Proper legal advice can potentially benefit one who might be considering seeking compensation in a court of law for their financial losses due to injury or the loss of a loved one.

Source: america.aljazeera.com, “Six dead in train vehicle crash in suburban NY“, Feb. 03, 2015

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