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Tourists on bus traumatized by New York pedestrian accident

A group of tourists traveling through New York recently had a gruesome experience that will likely remain in their thoughts for a long time. The double-decker bus in which they were traveling knocked down an elderly pedestrian and the occupants of the upper deck of the bus were reported to be horrified by the experience. The pedestrian accident happened on a recent Wednesday afternoon in the West Village.

Police were initially unsure about the circumstances of the accident, not knowing whether the victim was jaywalking or whether the bus driver ignored a red traffic light. However, a witness who arrived at the scene just prior to the accident described what he saw. He said that the woman was crossing the street at a crosswalk, and that the driver of the bus apparently failed to notice the pedestrian.

The bus allegedly knocked the woman down, and she landed underneath the bus. The back tires of the bus apparently went over the woman, and she was reportedly in critical condition. The witness said she appeared to have a skull fracture, along with broken limbs and many lacerations. The bloodied victim was taken to the hospital with apparent life-threatening injuries.

New York residents who have been injured in a pedestrian accident may face long-term consequences. They retain the right to pursue personal injury claims in a civil court. A successful presentation of such a claim may result in a court awarding monetary judgment to cover medical expenses brought about by the accident. However, if the court deems it appropriate under state laws, it may award additional damages to cover any expenses for future medical or rehabilitation care that may be required.

Source: New York Post, “Woman injured in double-decker tour bus accident“, Matt Mcnulty and Frank Rosario View, June 18, 2014

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