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Mother of infant facing multiple charges after car accident

A New York driver who reportedly had her license suspended on 23 previous occasions allegedly admitted to police that she had smoked crack cocaine prior to running down a bicyclist and then driving off. She is now facing multiple charges and is being held on bail of $100,000 while she awaits a scheduled preliminary hearing. The 32-year-old mother of a baby that is only a week old was arrested several days after the car accident when she attempted to admit herself to a hospital.

Police reports state that a 41-year-old bicyclist was struck from the rear and apparently dragged along for approximately 100 feet. According to CCTV footage and reports from witnesses, the driver got out of her SUV and stepped over the victim to remove the bicycle that was stuck underneath her car. She then got back into the car, and as she drove off, she allegedly drove over the bicyclist a second time.

The injured victim is reported to remain in critical condition in a hospital. She apparently suffered internal bleeding, several fractured bones and severe head injuries. The driver was arrested when she refused to give her full name at a hospital where she tried to admit herself some days later. A Hospital employee contacted the missing persons department of the police, and upon investigation, she was identified.

New York residents who have suffered injuries in a car accident that was caused by the negligent driving of another party may be facing high medical costs and other financial concerns. They retain the right to file personal injury claims in a civil court in pursuit of the recovery of damages. Upon proper documentation of the negligence, along with successful presentation of the claim, the court may award monetary compensation of medical expenses incurred and additional damages as deemed appropriate by state laws.

Source: democratandchronicle.com, “Woman hit cyclist twice, told police she was high“, Victoria Freile, July 29, 2014

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