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New York car accident: Mental distractions can lead to collisions

Distracted driving is a real issue in New York and elsewhere. People are seen on their phones, eating, grooming or engaging in a number of activities that take their full attention from the most important task at hand — operating their vehicles. What happens, though, when a car accident results from a form of distraction that cannot be seen?

Cognitive or mental distractions affect everyone from time to time. These distractions may not be easily pinpointed, as the driver may be staring at the road, but his or her thoughts are elsewhere. Really, who does not have family or work things that consume there thoughts making it difficult to concentrate — even when driving?

Minds that wander from vehicle operation to thinking about life obligations or talking to friends or family using hands free technology are minds that are slower to react to road conditions. It is not enough to stare at the road when driving. One must be mentally focused on the surrounding environment in order to follow traffic laws or react accordingly when the unexpected happens.

Unfortunately, there are numerous people in New York and elsewhere who have been injured or even lost their lives due to other drivers being mentally distracted. Proving a car accident resulted from cognitive distraction can be challenging. However, it is possible to do with the right help. An experienced personal injury or wrongful death attorney can assist victims or — in the event of fatality — their surviving family members seek compensation in civil court by taking the steps necessary to established negligence against the driver deemed responsible for their losses.

Source: exchange.aaa.com, “Distracted Driving“, Accessed on March 8, 2017

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